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The product information contained on this website is provided by Hype Promotions in good faith. The information is believed to be accurate and current at the date the product information was placed on this website.

Hype Promotions does not warrant that the website or any products or services advertised on the website will be available or will meet a customer’s requirement.

Hype Promotions does not warrant that your access to the network or the information contained in any content will remain error free, or that the network or the server which stores and delivers the website and its contents to you will remain free of viruses or other harmful components. By accessing the website you agree that Hype Promotions will not be liable as a result of any error, virus or harmful component.

Neither Hype Promotions nor employees of Hype Promotions make any representation or warranty as to the reliability, accuracy or completeness of the information contained on this website, and by accessing this website you agree that neither Hype Promotions nor any of the employees thereof will be liable for any errors or omissions in the information contained on this website.

By accessing, browsing or using this website, you agree to the terms, conditions and disclaimers herein as amended from time to time. By purchasing an item advertised on this website you agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions. Hype Promotions may amend these Terms and Conditions from time to time and any amendment will become effective immediately. Your continued use of this website after amendment constitutes an agreement to abide by and be bound by those Terms and Conditions, as amended.

At the time of constructing this web site, all information is correct. We have made every effort to ensure the accuracy of colours in this web site, and they are to be used as a guide only. Should you need an exact colour of the product, kindly contact our office for a sample. Imprints, logo or trademarks displayed in this web site are only for the purpose of showing our capability, and they do not endorse the product. They are only available for the sale to clients that are authorized by the owner of such design and product.

Hype Promotions has no control over the content of material accessible on any non – Hype Promotions sites cross-referenced. It accordingly is the responsibility of the internet user to make it their own decisions about the relevance or accuracy, currency and reliability of information found on those sites.